Embed Your Projects (share externally)

Whether prepping for a client meeting or a public presentation, you may want to share a TeamGantt project with someone who hasn't been invited to the project. 

You have 2 options for giving non-TeamGantt users read-only access to your project:

  • Embed a project using Javascript or iFrame
  • Share a view-only URL 

Note: These options are only available on our paid plans.

How to embed a project

1) Open the project.
2) Go to:  Menu > Embed. (If you don't see this option, you may have to scroll down.)
3) Choose which format you would like to share: URL or Embeddable iFrame. Then, select "Copy". 
4) If you would like to customize the link before sharing, click "Customize".

Once you have customized the link, you can then click "Copy" to share the link. 

  • To test your view-only URL, copy the URL of the gantt chart, open an incognito window, and paste the URL onto the address bar. Hit Enter to view your project.  
  • Want to share multiple projects with a single URL? Start by opening multiple projects in gantt view. Then go to Menu > Embed, select all projects, and copy the URL. 

Alternative way to share a view-only URL of your project

Open your project, and select  Share > Copy Link to Chart at the upper right of your browser window.

To learn more about options available for sharing projects with non-TeamGantt users, please visit: Share Your Project with Non-TeamGantt Users

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