Import a Project via CSV

Importing a CSV file is a great way to get a project started if you already have data in another application, such as Microsoft Project or a spreadsheet you'd like to move into TeamGantt.

Here's how to import a CSV file:

  1. Format your CSV file according to the format options below.
  2. Click the New Project button in the top right of your My Projects page. 
  3. Select Upload a CSV to begin the import process.
  4. Choose your account and file, then select Upload File. 
  5. Once the file has been uploaded, match the columns in your CSV file to the corresponding TeamGantt fields using the drop-down at the top of each column (green row). 

Accepted CSV formats for upload

There are two strategies for importing CSV files into TeamGantt:

1) Simple - You can create a basic list of task names and their start and end dates and import them into TeamGantt. You can also add a group name to each row of your CSV if you'd like to group tasks together in TeamGantt. Here's an example:

2) Work breakdown structure format - This is a little more complicated, but it's also more powerful because it allows you to specify subgroups and task predecessors. For more information on work breakdown structure, see this link here, and scroll down to "Coding scheme" for an example.

Here's an example of a work breakdown structure CSV import file:

Important tips:

  • Dates must be entered in the format MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD for the file to upload correctly. Using any other format (DD/MM/YYYY, for example) may cause the file to be rejected.
  • For single-day tasks, you can specify just the start date, and the end date will be automatically set to the same date.
  • CSV import can only be used to create a new project in TeamGantt. It can't be used to import data into an existing project. 
  • Looking for a template to model your file after? Export an existing project by opening the project and selecting Menu > Export CSV. This will give you a good idea of acceptable formatting. 

Fields that can be imported

Depending on the data you want to import and the import strategy you've chosen, you can import a combination of the following fields. 

Simple method only

Group name: 

This field can be used to indicate the name of a group or subgroup.

Task name: 

This field can be used to indicate the name of a task or milestone.

Work breakdown method only

WBS #: 

This field is essential if you choose to use the work breakdown structure option. (Note: Any whole number represents an entirely new project). For example:

  • 1 "First Project" 
  • 1.1 "Group 1"
  • 1.1.1 "Task 1 in Group 1"
  • 1.2. "Group 2"
  • 1.2.1 "Task 1 in Group 2"
  • 2 "Second Project"


This field can be used to indicate the project, group, and task names if you choose to import them all in a single column.


This field can be used to indicate the preceding task in a dependency set. The preceding task must be indicated by WBS number. Read more about dependencies in TeamGantt here

Either method

Start date, end date: 

These fields can be used to indicate the start and end dates of a project, group, or task. These fields must be entered in MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD format.

Estimated hours: 

This field can be used to assign estimated hours to a task. (Note: This data will only be imported if you have the Advanced plan with hourly estimation and time tracking.)

Percent complete: 

This field can be used to indicate a task's percent of completion. For best results, indicate the percent complete as a whole number (e.g., "75" for 75% complete)


This field allows you to post comments on the project, group, or task level. For example, you might include instructions on how to complete the task. 

Task color: 

Looking to import colors with your tasks? Create a Task Color column in your CSV file, and use this breakdown:

  • "blue2" - This is Basic Blue 
  • "green1" - This is Golfer's Green 
  • "purple" - This is Productive Purple 
  • "red1" - This is Rosy Red 
  • "orange" - This is Operation Orange 
  • "blue1" - This is Blueberry 
  • "grey1" - This is Get it Done Grey 
  • "yellow1" - This is Mustard 
  • "blue3" - This is Blissful Blue 
  • "magenta1" - This is Magnifying Magenta 
  • "pink" - This is Pretty Pink 
  • "green2" - This is Great Green 
  • "purple2" - This is Prolific Purple 
  • "orange2" - This is Outstanding Orange 
  • "brown1" - This is Beneficial Brown 
  • "green3" - This is Gainful Green

Fields that are not required:

  • Notes
  • URL

Having trouble with importing your file? Email us at We'd be happy to help!

Looking for another way to sync your data with TeamGantt? Check out our integration with Zapier

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