Critical Path

Your project's critical path is the series of tasks that dictates the finish date of the project. If one task on the critical path moves, the end date of your project will move as well. Therefore, all tasks along this path are "critical," and changes should be monitored carefully. 

How to view your project's critical path

In Gantt 2.0, it's easy to view your project's critical path. 

Click on the Critical path button in the menu bar. Then, choose whether you want to highlight the critical path or filter by it. 

Highlighting the critical path

If you choose the  Highlight critical path option, tasks on the critical path will be highlighted and all other tasks will be dimmed. 

Filtering by the critical path

If you choose the  Filter by critical path option, all tasks that are not on the critical path will be filtered out.

Clearing the critical path view 

Simply click the 'x' in the Critical path button to clear the critical path view. 

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