TeamGantt Integration for Jira

Jira integration overview

TeamGantt's Jira integration makes it easy to transfer Jira project and issue details to tasks on a gantt chart in TeamGantt. Once integrated, your TeamGantt project will update automatically as you add and reschedule issues in Jira.

NOTE: At this time, our integration works best with the Kanban and Scrum project templates in Jira. Other templates may or may not encounter some bugs.

Setting up the Jira integration

You can install the TeamGantt integration for Jira from the Atlassian Marketplace. 

Once installed, navigate to the Jira project you want to integrate with TeamGantt. You should see TeamGantt listed under Apps in the left navigation drawer. Click the TeamGantt app to open set up. 

You should be greeted with a login/signup screen. Go ahead and sign in using your TeamGantt account login information. If you don't have a TeamGantt account, click the signup link to set one up. 

Once you're logged in, select which TeamGantt account you'd like to sync with Jira. If you just signed up for TeamGantt or only have 1 account, this selection will pre-fill automatically.

In Step 3, you can decide which issue types should sync to TeamGantt tasks. Feel free to select as many issue types as you'd like. If you just need a high-level view of your projects, you can choose to import only Epics

Next, determine whether or not you want to sync dates. 

If you choose not to sync dates:

Your TeamGantt Jira integration setup will be complete.

NOTE: Don't want to use Jira Start/Due Date fields in your issues? Choose not to sync dates. This allows you to manage task start and due dates in TeamGantt without syncing to Jira.

If you choose to sync dates:

You may need to add  Start/Due Dates to some of your issue types. By default, Jira adds these dates to the Epic issue type, but not other issue types in the Scrum and Kanban templates. 

Here's how to add  Start/Due Dates:

  1. Simply click the link buttons next to the field error. 
  2. This will open the issue configuration screen for the issue type in a new tab so you can add the Start/Due Dates
  3. Once you've done that, return to the setup tab, and click the Recheck Jira Issues for Dates button. 
  4. If everything is set up correctly, you'll be presented with a button to complete setup!

Using the integration

Once you have set up the integration with TeamGantt, you should see the issues you chose to sync show up in the your Jira TeamGantt project. Now when you click on the TeamGantt link in the left navigation, you will see your TeamGantt Gantt chart in Jira!

From here, you can either add new tasks into TeamGantt or add new issues in Jira.  

If you add a task in TeamGantt, it will be generated as a new Jira EPIC. You can then change it to any issue type you'd like in Jira. 

Right now, only task names and dates sync between the tools. We're looking for feedback if you'd like to see another sync option (users, % complete, dependencies, etc.). Leave feedback here, and be sure to select Integrations as the category.

Settings: How to Reset the Integration

If you'd like to start over—or break the sync between TeamGantt and Jira—you can do that from the settings page. 

To access these settings, click Project Settings in the left navigation bar. Then click Apps to expand the menu, and select TeamGantt Settings.

From here, you'll see your original configuration settings. To disable the sync, simply click the  Unlink TeamGantt from this project button. 

Once you unlink the project, you'll return to the setup screen and can sync to a new project if you wish.

Looking for another way to sync TeamGantt with your favorite tools? Check out our Zapier integration

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