Hourly Progress vs. Task Progress

**Available in Gantt Classic only at this time**
Want your project to finish on time and on budget? Of course you do! That's why it's important to keep a close eye on how the actual work is tracking against your original plan.

In TeamGantt, the thin striped line that appears inside each taskbar provides an easy visual for seeing how task progress is pacing with hours spent on a task. It's a great way to catch potential overages before they throw your project completely off course. 

Let's take a closer look at 2 different ways this simple striped line helps you compare task progress with your plan.

Striped line color:

See how estimated hours stack up against tracked hours

If the striped line is green: You're right on track! Actual time tracked has not exceeded the estimated hours for that task or group. 

If the striped line is red: You've gone over the budgeted hours. Actual time tracked has exceeded the estimated hours for that task or group. 

Striped line length: Risk of potential overage

See how tracked time stacks up against % complete

The striped bar is shorter than the progress indicated on a task or group: The time tracked for this task or group is pacing well and is not in danger of exceeding estimated hours. Hooray! Looks like your project will be on time and budget. 

The striped bar is longer than the progress indicated on a task or group: This task or group is at risk for overage. This means the percentage of tracked vs. estimated hours is higher than the percentage of progress that's been made on the task or group to date. Be sure to investigate why this is happening. It'll help you plan better next time around!

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